MEET Briana

Teaching with Briana Beverly  Brand Photographer The Branded Boss Lady-25.jpg

I'm Briana Beverly. 

Wife to Andrew. 

Boy mama to two littles.


Coffee and Chic-Fil-A enthusiast.

Reader and Netflix binger.

Daily user of dry shampoo. 

Country concert goer. 

Orderer of take out food.

I got my first teaching job as a newly married 23 year old, two months into the school year. I remember my first day, standing in front of 20 second graders, and realizing I was responsible for ALL of them. It. Was. Terrifying.

In the years that followed, I discovered who I was as a teacher, and what made me effective in the classroom --

I learned how to differentiate my instruction so each of my students could learn and grow. 

I learned that engaging students created kids who wanted to learn and work hard.

& I learned to plan my lessons in a way that excited me to teach, because if I wanted to be there, my students did too. 

Now, grab a coffee or some chocolate, and stay awhile. I’m here to help YOU become a happier and more effective teacher.