Back to School Math PBL

Back to School Math PBL
2nd Grade Math Review - The Perfect Project for Back to School Review for 3rd grade!
This back to school math PBL project will have your students practicing real-world math applications while having a BLAST! This project based learning task is a great extension and enrichment activity for your early finishers at the beginning of the year. They get to plan out their school year, while spiraling and practicing several math skills along the way! Students will love this fun project to refresh their math skills after a long summer off.
*This pack would be great for third and fourth grade students, as most of these skills they've learned previously. This could also work for second grade gifted & talented students, but they will probably need teacher assistance.
This product is DIFFERENTIATED for you and your students, and includes U.S., Australian, and Canadian versions!! It also includes both Printable & Digital Google Slides versions.
•School Supplies: Students help their friends count their money and make decisions about what new school supplies they can and can't buy.
•Class Schedule: Students use their knowledge of time to create a schedule of classroom activities.
•The Classroom: Students create a layout of their classroom while following some guidelines. Measurement is in inches (or centimeters!).
•Plan a Field Trip: Students use addition and subtraction to plan a field trip on a budget.
•School Fractions: Students travel to different task cards and record fractions on the recording sheet.
•Class Surveys: Students survey their classmates about their favorite lunch and classroom pet and record the data in picture graphs and bar graphs.