Plan Your Summer Break PBL Math Project

Plan Your Summer Break PBL Math Project
Project Based Learning Math Activities
This math PBL project will have your students practicing real-world math applications while having a BLAST! This project based learning task is a great extension and enrichment activity for your early finishers. During this end of the year math review project, students get to plan out tons of fun activities for their summer break, while spiraling and practicing several math skills along the way! Students will love this fun project to review the math skills they learned during the school year.
This pack would be great for enriching second graders, perfect for third graders, and even a great review for upper grades! This is perfect for an end of the year cumulative or spiral math project!
This product is DIFFERENTIATED for you and your students, and includes U.S., Australian, and Canadian versions!! It also includes both Printable & Digital Google Slides versions.
•Shopping for Summer: Students help their friends count their money and make decisions about what beach items they can and can't buy.
•Beach Day Activities: Students use their knowledge of time to create a schedule of beach activities they'd like to do on their beach day.
•Plan a Disney Vacation: Students use addition and subtraction to plan a trip to Disney World on a budget.
•BBQ Time!: Students use repeated addition and multiplication to make sure they have enough food and supplies to host a BBQ for their friends.
•Let's Fly a Kite: Students will use their knowledge of 2D shapes to identify shapes in kites, and create their own kite using different shapes.
•Run the Ice Cream Truck: Students take kids' ice cream orders and create the ice cream cone for them. They use their knowledge of fractions to create them!
•Road Trip!: Students create a map of their road trip using inches (or centimeters!).